The City Hall of Divinópolis inaugurates the Traffic Light Center on July 16. The Municipal Secretariat of Traffic and Transportation (Settrans) performs the operational command of the traffic light intersections, enabling greater control and traffic flow.
All the city’s traffic-light intersections are connected to the control center, where they are supervised and controlled by two Settrans computers. Through the control, the agents follow the plans and schedules and monitor the traffic lights in real time.
According to Settrans’ traffic and transportation project manager, Lucas Lopes, the traffic light control center allows greater agility in cases of traffic lights with problems and enables greater time control in emergency situations. “We monitor the record of occurrences, if any traffic light breaks down or goes into intermittent mode, speeding up maintenance and the return of the operation,” he said.
The manager explained that through the control panel it is possible to turn a traffic light on or off, change the time and control the flow of traffic. “In case of an accident, for example, we can change the time at the traffic light, controlling the flow. Before, we had to go to the location to find out what was happening,” he explains.
All traffic lights will be programmed to change time, from the command of the central and will be gradually adjusted to the synchronism of the Green Wave, ensuring the fluidity in traffic.
The municipality has 52 intersections with traffic lights. Crossings with traffic lights are being expanded in the municipality to improve traffic flow and urban mobility. In the last 12 months, six new traffic lights have been implemented at various points in the city, all with LED, providing more safety and economy.
Source: Divinópolis/MG City Hall